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    Q): How does Humi[K] make Gypsum more Functional?

      • Our Humi[K] is power packed with polydispersion, cationic bridging, ionic exchanges, coordinate bonding and polydynamics for metabolic activities.
      • Its nanoparticles, which make contact with gypsum and clay particles, create huge surface areas which in turn enhance micropores, in which roots, water, and nutrients reside.
      • This helps mass flow, root interceptions, and diffusion for nutrient movement in plant roots, namely an influx of slow nitrogen release.
      • Soil salinization is considered the most important abiotic limiting crop production and degrading soil properties.
      • Humi[K] Gypsum will reduce salinization problems vis-à-vis different modes of action.
    Open FAQ

    Q): Why Gypsum for Soil Health?

    Every year, globally we lose 24,710,000 acres of crop land due to salinization and erosion. Research has shown that a combination of stable humus and gypsum can enhance soil’s aggregate stabilization and salt remediation.

    Open FAQ

    Q): How difficult is it to make a mixture of Humi[K] Bio WSG with along with other Fertilizer/Nutrients?

    • Blending / Mixing equipment is needed to achieve a homogenized mixture
    • Humi[K] Bio contains granules that can be easily amalgamated with other granular fertilizers.
    • Humi[K] Bio can be mixed with substrates or potting soil.
    • Humi[K] Bio is 100% spray-dried technology, which allows us to offer 100% solubility in a Granule or Powder form. It can be used in many applications such as dry broadcast spreading, blending/mixing with fertilizer, or liquefied for liquid application.
    • Humi[K] Bio also has time-release properties when applied dry, slowly dissolving as irrigated.
    • Humi[K] Bio was specifically designed for three distinct functions: ease of use, dry broadcast application, and conversion to liquid.
    Open FAQ

    Q): What are the expected benefits or outcomes of amalgamating our products?

    • Create a new advanced microbial amalgamated product
    • Improve nutrient availability for plant absorptions to support root growths and soil symbiotic
    • Increase fertilizer conversion rate, providing more available nutrients
    • Offer a new and dynamic product category for the company
    • A universal fertilizer to rejuvenate soil products for all crops
    • Offer consumer benefits, including higher yield, crop quality, improving plant defense mechanisms against diseases, along with continuing to improve the soil and environment.
    Open FAQ

    Q): What are beneficial traits of Bacillus subtilis and related species with agricultural ramifications?

    A): The species of bacillus group, particularly B. Subtilus, B. Megaterium, B. Amyloliquefaciens, B. Lichniformis, and B. Pumilus are vital in agriculture, as phytopathogenic antagonists or plant growth promoters. This species is often referred to as “plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria “– PGPR.

    PGPR are naturally occurring soil bacteria that have the ability to colonize the roots and stimulate plant growth by phytohormone production or by releasing beneficial organic compounds.

    In addition to plant growth stimulation, Bacillus subtilis and its related species strains are involved in plant protection against Phyto-pathogenic attacks. They act directly against pathogens by producing extracellular lytic enzymes and secondary metabolites with inhibitory growth action or interfere via quorum quenching to disturb cell-to-cell communication of the infectious expression in pathogenic bacteria. They could also compete with plant pathogens for the available nutrient and niches. They also play a key role in the reduction of the infection process by inducing defense responses in the host plant.

    Open FAQ

    Q): Why Humi[K] Bio?

    Humi[k] Bio (patent pending) is available as a granule or powder that contains a balance of humic acid and highly concentrated specialized beneficial microbes. These microbes, acting with the humic acid, employ multiple functions to improve soil symbiosis, reduce bad bacteria through competitive exclusion and increase root mass development.

    This enables the plants to build a tolerance to infestations of soil diseases such as nematodes. By increasing larger root mass, this helps to penetrate deeper into the soil for water sources, reducing dehydration during periods of excessive heat.

    These specialized microbes immobilize organic and inorganic matter through an enzymatic process that maximizes the availability of absorbable micronutrients for plant uptake.

    Open FAQ

    Q): What do growers do now that will make them better using humic and fulvic acids?

    A): Growers need to be educated to understand and distinguish between different types of carbons, such as functional and normal carbons. It is also vital for the grower to understand how functional carbons enhance soil health and nutrient availability. The best means of achieving this goal is to hold applied workshops for the growers to demonstrate humic substances’ far-reaching physical, chemical and biological impacts in different crops under farm conditions.

    Open FAQ

    Q): Why are these products important?

    A): Humic and fulvic are functional carbons. They help with soil aggregate stability, unlock the fixed nutrients, complex salt, buffer, chelate, and complex nutrients for better fertilizer use efficiency. They also enhance microbial activity.

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    Q): What happens to the soil after repeated use?

    A): With each year that the grower uses humic, there will be significant enhancement of soil health and crop production. Many growers have used humic for 30 years and still see the benefits. Repeated use reflects cumulative effects.

    Open FAQ

    Q): Besides affordability, when is it not feasible to us those products for fertilization?

    A): Based on IHSS research (which comes from many universities worldwide), results demonstrate that, applying humic substances from an economic standpoint is equally important as using micro-macronutrients for maintaining soil health and crop production. From standpoint of ROI, it enhances fertilizer and water-use efficiency, as you save on fertilizer usage. If the grower cannot afford a great deal of humic, even if he/she applies a small quantity before plant growth stages, this will still benefit the return on investment.

    According to national statistics, phosphorus use efficiency is between 10-30%. For example, if an average farmer applies 100 lbs per acre of phosphor, 90 lbs will be fixed (not usable) or if you are a farmer with good cultural practices, and you apply the same amount of phosphor with 30 % efficiency, it still means you will still lose 70 lbs of phosphor as locked-up, fixed, or tied-up. Using humic will enhance fertilizer use efficiency. These factors are why we think using humic just as vital as using macro-micronutrients in ensuring good ROI.

    Open FAQ

    Dr. Mir Seyedbagheri

    As a company, our science and product development is based heavily on Dr. Mir’s many years of credible scientific research.
    We believe that in order to deliver a superior quality product, we have to follow the science of what works, what doesn’t and why. Not only is Dr. Mir an exceptional agronomist, but his philosophy on agricultural sustainability is directly inline with our company and our vision.