Diamond Grow® Organic Nitrogen is a form of naturally sourced organic hydrolyzed proteins containing amino acids and plant origin hydrolyzed enzymes

Diamond Grow® Organic Nitrogen is a form of naturally sourced organic hydrolyzed proteins containing amino acids and plant origin hydrolyzed enzymes.

Adding Organic Nitrogen to your soil allows the microorganisms there to cleave the protein molecules into amino acids, then separate the amino acids to form ammonium ions, and, finally, nitrate ions.

Proteins are the building blocks of all plant life and they are formed by the sequence of amino acids. The addition of amino acids directly affects the physiology of plant activities resulting in proven increased quality and yield.

Organic Nitrogen contains Hydrolyzed proteins. Organic Nitrogen protein hydrolysate is suitable for all plant types as a foliar or soil application. For best results, Organic Nitrogen should be used as a part of a crop or turf management program.

Content Analysis

Hydrolized Soy Protein Powder
14% Nitrogen


Purpose: Plant can biosynthesize all the amino acids they need with other nutrient, but it consume energy with very complex procedure. Applying amino acids can help plant to focus on growing and yielding.

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The Benefits of Amino Acids

Action of Amino Acids on the Stomata of Plants - Beyond external factors such as light, humidity and temperature, the stomata of the plant open and close with the help of internal factors including, you guessed it, amino acids. This opening and closing helps control the moisture balance within the plant, but maybe most importantly, it also helps with the facilitation of gasses like carbon dioxide, which is required for extreme continuous growth.

Amino Acids and Their Effect on Pollination and Fruit Formation - Amino acids help with the fertility of pollen and thus are essential for pollination. They increase pollen germination and the length of the pollinic tube, which improves fruit set, strengthens cell walls for longer shelf life and helps improve the ripening stage of fruits, benefiting flavor and terpene production.

Amino Acids and Stress Resistance: - Stress factors such as high temperatures, low humidity, frosts, pest attacks, hail storms or floods have a negative effect on plant metabolism with a corresponding reduction in crop quality and quantity. The application of amino acids before, during and after stressful conditions supplies the plants with components directly related to stress physiology and thus has both a preventative and recovering effect.

Amino Acids and Improved Photosynthesis - Amino acids are fundamental in chlorophyll production; chlorophyll being the driving force behind photosynthesis. Amino acids help to increase chlorophyll concentration in the plant, leading to a higher degree of photosynthesis, which in turn leads to even more available energy.

Usage Instructions

Directions for Use:
Add Organic Nitrogen slowly into a 3/4 full spray tank with agitators running until completely dissolved. Organic Nitrogen is compatible with most agricultural and turf products; however, a simple “Jar Test” is highly recommended prior to mixing large batches. When using a tank mix, add Organic Nitrogen first and then add additional products. Organic Nitrogen can be used for both foliar and soil applications. This product is recommended as a supplement to a well balanced fertilizer program, and will not supply all necessary nutrients required by the crop.

Mixing instructions:

  1. Mix 1 kg. Organic Nitrogen into 20 liters water.
  2. Agitate/dissolve Organic Nitrogen in water.
  3. Further dilute with 80 liters of water & apply liquid.
  4. Apply diluted Organic Nitrogen to soil in fall and early spring up to 4 applications per grow season.

*Use a minimum of 2.5 GALLONS (10 liters) of water per pound (0.45 kg) of Organic Nitrogen.


Agronomic Crops: Organic Nitrogen is safe to use on all crops. For new plantings, apply 2 to 9 pounds (1-4 kg) of Organic Nitrogen per acre. Begin applications at or just prior to planting and continue applications (4-5 applications per year).


Fall Fertilizer Applications:100-1,000 Ibs./acre
Spring Pre Plant:100-200 Ibs./acre
Seeding:60-100 Ibs./acre
Top Dress:100-200 Ibs./acre


To place an order, or for more information you can call us at +1 (904) 329-1012

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Organic Nitrogen

When it comes to plant nutrition, the importance of amino acids is often one of the most overlooked assets in agriculture. From strengthening plant cells to resisting disease, or breaking down nutrients in the soil to strengthening roots, amino acids are the building blocks of plant performance.

Amino acids effect on PLANT
- Protein Biosynthesis
- Resistance to abiotic stress
- Photosynthesis
- Stomata Activity
- Chelation
- Phytohormones
- Pollination and Fruit formation

Amino acids effect on SOIL:
- Increase microbial activity
- Microbial balance in the soil

Available Packaging:

– 25kg/55lb Poly Woven Bags


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